diner w/my man!

srry i didnt get back too u guyz sooner, but… i jus had succcchhhh a AMAZZZIIINNNG time last night!! 😀

jimmy took me to this really nice italian resturant. it wasnt, lik, formal, or anything, but it waz stil nice. i got a coke and a piece of pizza (with my favorite topping, sausage, mmmmm). jimmy got a coke, too, but decided to go for a stromboli. we talkd alottt, and I mean a lot! lik, turns out we have soooo much in common. he even has an adorable little puppy! he showd me a pic of it. what a cutie, just like his owner. :3

hes quite a smart guy. he’s actually a bit older, hes 16. so, he was able to drive me home afterwards.

then, then, then!!

well, im not the girl to kiss and tell. 😉 hehe

anywayz, hes coming ova soon. ill tlk to u guyz when i can. 🙂

love, hugs, and kisses,

Olivia V.

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